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Monday, June 14, 2010

Teenage trips: that first parent-free holiday

I read this article in guardian....Seven writers recount the adventures – and mishaps – of their first holiday without mum and dad
(It is good story idea for hindi newspapers, which often serves garbage in the name of travel and leisure ...)
Emma Kennedy, right, as a teenager

Hilary Bradt: Staying with a German pen pal

When I was 15 I went to stay with my pen friend in north Germany. It was my first trip abroad and the first without my parents and I hated every minute of it. From the moment we met, Christina and I disliked each other and, in hindsight, I can only feel sorry for this normal teenager who liked boys and pop music. I only liked horses and was shamefully retarded on the emotional front.
It's hard to pick out the low point from a trough of tearful gloom but it was probably when I was alone in the house and there was a persistent ringing at the bell which I ignored. Then, to my alarm, I could see the visitor walking around the house looking through the windows. I hid under the dining room table. That afternoon Dr Schmidt, Christina's very frightening mother, came home from work and told me she'd left her key behind and had needed to pick up some papers from the house. "But you didn't hear me," she said. "Oh, I must have been in my room. Sorry!" I said, blushing crimson, with the awful knowledge that she'd seen me.
Hilary Bradt is the co-founder of Bradt Travel Guides

Read full story here....

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