
पोस्ट पढ़ने के बाद उस पर अपनी टिप्पणी अवश्य दर्ज करें, इससे हमें इस ब्लाग को उपयोगी बनाने में मदद मिलेगी।

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

News is no longer broken down into print or television or radio

News is no longer broken down into print or television or radio. The device will determine what you're getting. There's no reason you shouldn't be getting video with your news if you're getting it on an iPad. So newspapers have to move gradually into producing more video. Content is becoming more important in this world, because distribution systems are falling away and digital platforms are merging together.


  1. News is information. It can be about an event, occurrence, happening or process. Expressions or views can also be covered like events. If a view requires broader audience then a media would require. This media will change with the time. It is technology specific, but the basic need of society is to know.

    Another important aspect of it is the role of media. every media has its own role. music can be used to convey a message but with a different impact. Newspaper and internet can be similar as far as reading is concerned but on other matters it is completely a different area. So the importance of device is there. One should try to inculcate the best of technology. Off course content is the king.

  2. दुनिया इसके इंतजार में है।
